This special issue arose from the International Workshop on “Rethinking Time and Gender in African History” (see conference poster), which I convened in collaboration with my African Studies colleagues at Ghent University, especially Inge Brinkman. After the workshop, Heike Becker and I joined forces to curate this special issue.
I hope you enjoy reading these fantastic and thought-provoking articles! #OpenAccess on top of everything.
(See below for the synopsis, table of contents, and links to articles.)
This special issue seeks to problematize the way that time and gender – and their relationship to each other – is conceptualized in prevailing historical narratives about African pasts. Often we take the notions of time and gender for granted in our practices of research and writing. In this special issue – that brings together scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds, focusing on different time periods, and using different methodological approaches – we ask what would happen if we brought the notions of time and gender into a more critical focus. How would this reshape the gendered histories we write?
Articles included in this volume:
Introduction: Rethinking Time and Gender in African History
Jonna Katto & Heike Becker
Gender Time, Gendered Time: In Parts of Africa
David Schoenbrun
Carnival, Power, and Queer Joy: Chrono-normativity, Carnivalesque Transgressions, and the Spectacle of Gender in Lourenço Marques, Mozambique (ca. 1950–1975)
Caio Simões de Araújo
Queer Femme Drag Futures
Lindy-Lee Prince
“The Father is also the Sister”: A Non-binary Gendered History of Matrilineal Bantu Communities
Christine Saidi
Shared Symbols, Different Symbolism? Blending Gender Categories in Northern Sotho Initiation Rock Art, Makgabeng, South Africa
Catherine Namono
“There Was No Change”: Kenyan Women, Temporality, and Decolonization
Kara Moskowitz
Re-visiting ‘African Tradition’, Re-thinking Gender and Power: Learning from Fieldwork in Northern Mozambique
Signe Arnfred
“Let Me Come to Tell You”: Rethinking Gender, Colonialism, and Narratives of Modernity from the Northern Namibian Sound Archive
Heike Becker
Times Told, Lived, and Remembered: The Multitemporality of the Present in Yaawo Oral Histories of Gendered Power in Northern Mozambique
Jonna Katto